Ircnet Perl Minigolf 3 (Finished)

You get on STDIN a sequence of integers, each representing the size of a stack of boxes. Each stack is lower than 10, but can not be empty, so the input lines match /^[1-9]\n\z/. Print on STDOUT how many there boxes are at each level starting from above, each number properly terminated with a \n. Nothing should be printed on STDERR. There will be between 1 and 1000 (inclusive) boxes.

example input:

So the stacks look like:
|  |                                      <- 1 box
|  |                                      <- 1 box
+--+      +--+                +--+
|  |      |  |                |  |        <- 3 boxes
+--+      +--+                +--+
+--+      +--+                +--+
|  |      |  |                |  |        <- 3 boxes
+--+      +--+                +--+
+--+      +--+      +--+      +--+
|  |      |  |      |  |      |  |        <- 4 boxes
+--+      +--+      +--+      +--+

 5         3         1         3
Therefore the output should be:

Check your solution using the test program

The challenge runs under the generic perl golf rules.

Tell the length of your solutions (but not the solution itself) to ton- on ircnet #perl or mail the number to

The challenge finishes at 2002/06/30 23:00:00 UTC


35  ton,tybalt89
36  m.thelen,dave
37  p.haworth,q.huo,banshee,andys,[VI]Kille,juuso,d.hoover
38  suo
40  c.dolan,p.kailasa,terje
41  octo
42  j.krahn,a.qumsieh,beowulf
43  kci
45  p.carmody
46  darek
47  depesz
49  Sn0wSmyrf,osar
50  trstn
52  hispeed,sh
168 vc20

Some Solutions

ton       35 -0p $\="$a\n".$\while$a=y/1-9/0-8/}{
ton       35 -0p $\=~s//$a\n/while$a=y/1-9/0-8/}{
tybalt89  35 -p $_=1+$_.$/for@;[9-$_..8]}{print@
m.thelen  36 -ln0 ($~+=s~$=~~g)&&print$~while--$=
m.thelen  36 -ln0 $~+=s~$=~~gand print$~while--$=
ton       36 -p $_=++$_.$/for@a[9-$_..8]}for(@a){
ton       36 -n $_=++$_.$/for@a[9-$_..8]}{print@a
dave      36 -ln0 ($,+=s/$=//g)&&print$,while--$=
p.haworth 37 -pl $_++for@s[1..$_]}while($_=pop@s){
q.huo     37 -lp $_++for@_[1..$_]}while($_=pop@_){
d.hoover  37 -pl ++$_[--$_]while$_}for(reverse@_){
[VI]Kille 37 -pl $_++for@_[1..$_]}while($_=pop@_){
andys     37 -n map$_=++$_.$/,@p[9-$_..8]}{print@p
banshee   37 -nl ++$$[--$_]}{map{print$t+=pop@$}@$
juuso     37 -ln0 /$=/?print s//$=-1/eg:3while--$=
suo       38 -p $x[--$_]++while$_}{$\=$_.$/.$\for@x
dave      38 -p $k[--$_]++while$_}{$\=~s//$_\n/for@k
c.dolan   40 -nl $_[9-$_]++for 1..$_}{$_&&print for@_
terje     40 -p $d[$_-1]++for 1..$_}{$\=$_.$/.$\for@d
octo      41 -l map++$o[$_-1],<>;map{print$o+=pop@o}@o
octo      41 -nl ++$o[$_-1];END{map{print$o+=pop@o}@o}
beowolf   42 -l map{++$a[--$_]}<>;map{print$o+=pop@a}@a
j.krahn   42 -ln $_[$_]++while$_--}{map{print}reverse@_
octo      44 -nl ++$o[9-$_--]while$_;END{map$_&&print,@o}
ton       45 -p $z.=a.1x$_}{$_="$a\n$_"while$a=$z=~s/a1/a/g
darek     46 -ln $a[$_]++while$_--;END{print for+reverse@a}
depesz    47 $x[$_]++for map{1..$_}<>;print join$/,reverse@x
Sn0wSmyrf 49 -nl $i=0;$a[$i++]++for 1..$_}{print for reverse@a
trstn     50 -n END{print join"\n",reverse@a}$a[$_]++for(1..$_)
hispeed   52 map{for(1..$_){$a[$_]++}}<>;print join"\n",reverse@a
hispeed   64 for(;<>=~/\d+/;){for(@a[1..$&]){$_++}}print join("\n",reverse@a)

d.hoover  34 -pl ++$_[--$_]while$_}for(sort@_){                     (rejected)
Ion       44 -l map$a[$_]++,0..$_-1for<>;print for sort@a     (rejected)
This was found after the post-mortem:
ton       33 -pl ++$;[--$_]}while(@;){$_+=pop@	(mixing tybalt89 and banshee)
ton       33 -pl ++$a[$_]}while($#a){$_+=pop@a  (here the ; trick fails)